MapInfo to TIGER Translator© (TMT)
The ICW TIGER to MapInfo Translator© (TMT) was first introduced in 1992 and designed to work from a DOS prompt. TMT© was originally written in Clipper and MapInfo, Corp. was the first one in line to purchase the product. This is ancient history. Roll forward to 1998 and ICW introduced UTT© written in C++ and MapBasic which facilitated the convenience of speed and an interface that operated from within the MI Pro environment. UTT© was backward compatible to the 1995 TIGERs and working forward through the 2006 2nd Edition TIGERs. TIGER/Line Shapefiles introduced in 2008 represent a new generation of data formats that demand a new translator. The people at ICW have responded with a new version with a name that harkens back to the 1990’s and a user interface designed to endure the next decade, TMT©. The fastest, easiest and most powerful TIGER/Line File translator we have ever built. The people at ICW are proud to offer you TMT©.

Introducing GeoAuthor® 2.0
ICW introduced GeoAuthor® 2.0 at the National Council of State Legislatures (NCSL) Spring Forum in Washington D.C. to a welcoming audience. While numerous special interest groups attended the Spring Forum, the Elections and Redistricting group was the primary audience.
GeoAuthor® is designed to provide the user with an easy-to-use set of tools with which to create a project for a county using TIGER/Line Shapefiles provided by the US Bureau of the
Census. Once the project is created the GeoAuthor® user can make edits to the geometry and tabular attributes of the map data, such as TIGER to alignment to parcel maps, aerial photos, town boundaries; add missing features like streets, water, landmarks, etc.; correct names, address ranges, ZIP Codes, etc. and use the diagnostic routines in GeoAuthor® to confirm the integrity of the data. GeoAuthor® includes GeoPoints© for creating and maintaining geographic databases of points and tabular attributes. GeoAuthor® runs in the MapInfo Professional environment and is the only commercially available full featured editing product for designed to make topologically correct edits to TIGER/Line Shapefiles. GeoAuthor® is the next generation of editing from ICW following TIGERUS© which was first introduced in 1995.
“Census products have always been extremely valuable to a diverse audience private and public sector decision makers. Since 1995 ICW has delivered an easy-to-use and well structured means to economically update and enhance TIGER\Line geography making it suitable for expanded use in decision support systems,” said Ken Tozier CEO of ICW. “One can have over 40 layers of enhanced geographic data produced by GeoAuthor®.”