Success! The Ninth Annual GeoElections User’s Conference
The major topic that dominated the conference was the schedule of activities that will impact the elections office related to redistricting. Catherine Clark McCully, Chief of US Census Redistricting Data Office spoke about the scheduled release of the 2010 TIGER/Line Shape Files and fielded questions related to Census operations and redistricting. Scott Miller, GIS/Tabulation Supervisor for the Clay County, FL Office of the Supervisor of Elections, provided a time line of elections activities commencing with the 2012 Presidential election listing the events and tasks tracking backwards to November 2011.

The McCully and Miller presentations were bookends, bracketing the time from December 2010 to November 2012. Additionally, an excerpt from John Guthrie’s Bill Analysis and Fiscal Impact Statement for FL Senate Bill 2284 enumerated the schedule of FL legislative redistricting based upon the regular session convening 01-10-2012 and concluding 03-09-2012. The excerpt follows:
- The joint resolution is passed during the 60-day Regular Session.
- The Attorney General petitions the Florida Supreme Court for a declaratory judgment on or before Friday, March 16, 2012 (i.e., fewer than the 15 days after March 9, 2012).
- The Florida Supreme Court approves the joint resolution within the 30 days provided for in the State Constitution (i.e., by Monday, April 16, 2012).
- The joint resolution is submitted to the U.S. Attorney General on Monday, April 16, 2012, and the U.S. Attorney General does not request additional information or interpose an objection during the 60 days provided for in 28 C.F.R. s. 51.9 (concluding on June 15, 2012).
The general consensus of the attendees agreed a GeoElections® project should be created at the earliest, enhanced, and synchronized with the respective VR database and put into use allowing the user to retire their 2000 project. They should work with the product of the legislative redistricting effort once released for public review in March 2012, develop alternative plans, and be prepared to implement upon approval from DOJ.
Each attendee left the conference with a calendar that laid out actions with milestones for achieving a smooth integration of GeoElections® and their VR, carrying their office through the redistricting season.
Demonstrating one of the milestones by which to measure the production worthiness of the 2010 project, Darlene Walker, Deputy Supervisor for the Flagler County, FL Office of the Supervisor of Elections, walked the attendees through the steps necessary to use WebElections®, the election results reporting utility included in GeoElections®. Ms. Walker stated, “If you aren’t using WebElections®, you’re missing out.”
The attendees were clearly rewarded by the knowledge gained on the issues of redistricting.